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Aurora Borealis. 2022 / Prophecy Is The Mold In Which History Is Poured

Aurora Borealis. 2022 / Prophecy Is The Mold In Which History Is Poured

1. From the Abyss, Return
2. God Hunter

4. Ephemeral Rise
5. Serenade of Designations
6. Thralldomnation
7. Founding Fathers of Deception
8. Khafres Mark
9. Awakening
10. Hymn to the Archfiend
11. Cosmic Control Mechanism

Vindalf. 2022 / Ancient Spell of Darkness

Vindalf. 2022 / Ancient Spell of Darkness

1. Ancient Spell of Darkness
2. The Sacred Dragon

4. Bilskirnir
5. Carcharoth
6. Absolutist Contemplation of Darkness
7. Triumvirate of Sacraments
8. The Forgotten Path
9. Winter
10. Unholy Souls of Wind and Mist
11. Vampiric Blood
12. XII Altertümlich-Geisterhafter Ritus

Malus Votum. 2020 / Tradition

Malus Votum. 2020 / Tradition

01. The Feast On The Mountain
02. Prince Of The Culling Tide

04. Wolf Age