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Sarkrista. 2013 / The Acheronian Worship

Sarkrista. 2013 / The Acheronian Worship
01. Introduction
02. Grim Satanic Vengeance
03. Funerals and Flaring Torches
04. Ruthless Winter
05. Messenger of Harm
06. Realm of Eternal Coldness
07. Wrath Incarnation
08. Black Clouds of Revelation
Country of origin: Germany
Location: Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein

Black Faith. 2013 / Jubilate Diabolo

Black Faith. 2013 / Jubilate Diabolo

My Walk in the Dark
Beyond the Night
Seduced by the Evil One
Thy Vital Breath

Burnt Flesh Sculptures
Black Nocturnal Lithurgy
Jubilate Diabolo
Lui Saifer 313 Lui Saifer 313

Inferna. 2013 / Sathanas Regimen Spiritualis

Inferna. 2013 / Sathanas Regimen Spiritualis

Sathanas Regimen Spiritualis
Of Blood and Death
Through the Wings of Darkness

Superior Manifestation
Thy Illumination
Inferna / Satanic Blood (Von cover)
Lui Saifer 313 Lui Saifer 313

Acherontas. 2013 / Amenti - Ψαλμοί αίματος και αστρικά οράματα

Acherontas. 2013 / Amenti - Ψαλμοί αίματος και αστρικά οράματα

Voluntas Supra Materiam "Vocatio Prima"
Amenti - The Lamp ov the Desert
The Stele ov the Last Conjuration - Ιερος γαμος
Nebt-Het - Divulgence of Ηer Sacral Temples

Dissolution (In the Sands ov Time) - Νεκροπολις
Wines of Blood & Pestilence
Erset La Tari - The Red Temple
Πανσεληνος "Vocatio Ultima"
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313