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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Black Altar. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Black Altar. Mostrar todas las entradas

Ofermod / Black Altar / Αχέροντας. 2023 - Drakonian Elitism

Ofermod / Black Altar / Αχέροντας. 2023 - Drakonian Elitism
01. Ofermod - Intro
02. Ofermod - Vinum Sabathi
03. Ofermod - Agios Ischyros Belial
04. Ofermod - Atavistic Chants of Levitation
5. Black Altar - Via Draconis
06. Black Altar - In the Labyrinths of Sithra Achra
07. Black Altar - The Oracle of Divine Madness
08. Black Altar - Outro
09. Αχέροντας - Intra Psyche
10. Αχέροντας - Astra Magia
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Norrköping, Östergötland/Stockholm
-Black Altar-
Country of origin: Poland
Location: Olsztyn, Warmińsko-Mazurskie (early); London, England, United Kingdom (later)
Country of origin: Greece
Location: Athens, Attica

Black Altar. 2022 / Arcana of the Higher Principles

Black Altar. 2022 / Arcana of the Higher Principles

01. Arcana of the Higher Principles
02. Deus Inversus
03. Ancient Warlust
04. Outro
05. Intro
06. Tophet
07. Winds ov Decay
08. Pentagram Sacrifice (Beastcraft cover)
09. Tophet (Industrialised by PreEmptive Strike 0.1)
10. Outro
11. Intro
12. Nighthunter
13. I'm Demon
14. Deep Cut into the Open Wound of Mankind
-Black Altar-
Country of origin: Poland

Black Altar / Kirkebrann. 2020 / Deus Inversus

Black Altar / Kirkebrann. 2020 / Deus Inversus

01. Black Altar - Deus Inversus
02. Black Altar - Ancient Warlust
03. Black Altar - Outro
04. Kirkebrann - Begrensa Bevissthet
05. Kirkebrann - Faux Pas
06. Kirkebrann - Et Nederlag
07. Kirkebrann - Ufødte Klarhet
Black Altar / BANDCAMP
Black Altar / FACEBOOK
Black Altar / INSTAGRAM
Kirkebrann / FACEBOOK
Kirkebrann / INSTAGRAM
-Black Altar-
Country of origin: Poland
Country of origin: Norway

Black Altar. 2008 / Death Fanaticism

Black Altar. 2008 / Death Fanaticism

01. The Antihuman Manifesto
02. The Dark Is Coming
03. Decomposition Ov Life
04. Gate To Immortality
06. The Void
07. Widmo Śmierci
08. Kingdom Ov Razors
09. Death Fanaticism
-Black Altar-
Country of origin: Poland

Black Altar. 2013 / Suicidal Salvation

Black Altar. 2013 / Suicidal Salvation

01. The Sentence
02. Suicidal Salvation
03. Journey To The Astral Realm
04. Pulse Of The Universe
-Black Altar-
Country of origin: Poland

Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313