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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Erzsébet. Mostrar todas las entradas

Erzsébet. 2024 / Six Hundred and Fifty

Erzsébet. 2024 / Six Hundred and Fifty
01. Redemption of Evil
02. The Chest with the Thousand Spikes
03. The Cage the Torch and Corpses
04. Crystalline Sparkles on Bluish Skin
05. Spectral Cortège
06. Daughters of Zémans
07. Lunar Liturgy
08. Somewhere in Csejthe
09. Wherefore
10. Domina Vestra
11. Sirfelirat
Country of origin: Spain
Location: Barcelona, Catalonia
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313