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Illness. 2019 / Mental Carnage

Illness. 2019 / Mental Carnage


Descent Into Medieval Darkness (Profanum cover)
Bonus Tape Track - Thy Eternal Flame (Funeral Winds cover)

ANZV. 2022 / Gallas

ANZV. 2022 / Gallas

01 .Isimud
02. Seclusion
03. Inane
05. Leper
06. Rituals
07. Lethargy
08. Remnants
09. Mist
Country of origin: Portugal
Location: Porto

Illness. 2022 / Hailing the 90's Cult

Illness. 2022 / Hailing the 90's Cult

Wolves of Pomerania

Dark Triumph (Behemoth Cover)
Ghosts of the Past
The Stars Turned Black As Night
Call of the Black Forest (Graveland cover)

Wampyric Rites. 2022 / The Wolves Howl To The Moon

Wampyric Rites. 2022 / The Wolves Howl To The Moon

The Ancient Tyrant Returns from the Deep Forgotten Crypts

Amidst the Fog of Eternity
The Wolves Howl to the Moon
Captive in a Desolate Castle

Dux. 2015 / Carnations

Dux. 2015 /  Carnations

Le Fruit De Vos Entrailles Est Maudit!
La Chair Marque L'Esprit


Les Canons De La Transcendance
L'Humaine Condition
Vieux Cuir Usé
Vaimânika Shâstra (Magie Du Vril)
Je N'ai Plus Que Les Os

Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313