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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Mortuary Drape. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Mortuary Drape. Mostrar todas las entradas

Mortuary Drape. 2018 / Necromantic Doom Returns

Mortuary Drape. 2018 / Necromantic Doom Returns

01. Intro - Necromancy
02. Primordial
03. Into the Catacomba
04. Presences
05. Vengeance from Beyond
06. Obsessed by Necromancy
07. Evil Death
08. Undead Revenge
09. Necromancer
10. Pentagram
11. Obscure World
12. Soul in Sorrow
13. Intro (Live)
14. Mortuary Drape (Live)
15. Zombie (Live)
16. Inquisition (Live)
17. Medium Mortem (Live)
-Mortuary Drape-
Country of origin: Italy
Location: Alessandria, Piedmont
Invoker of the shadows, read his book of doom
Torment of necromancer, dimension astral wizard
Appear from a vision, a mystic incantation
Not still illuminated, but cover magic way

In a state of prediction, premonition stake
Clairvoyancy his eyes, to get in touch
With occult energies, the rule on them
Awared power, knowing and dare
Wandering spirits disturb his way
What is the karma? The dark has lower
At the edge of way, a thick of colours
Ancestral vision, to feel alone

Torment of Necromancer

You're not alone know, another sphere
Assume a form, as magic medium
Difficult to plain, to win your fear
To meet your will, you'll rule the sphere

Mortuary Drape. 2014 / Spiritual Independence

Mortuary Drape. 2014 / Spiritual Independence

01. The Hiss
02. Lithany
03. Once I Read (Marble Tomb)
04. Natural Death (1930 - 2011)
05. Mortal Remains (Your Bones)
06. Immutable Witness
07. Black Candle
08. Ignis Fatuus (Deaf Space)
09. 1600 Gnostic Year
10. Spiritual Independence (The Farewell)
-Mortuary Drape-
Country of origin: Italy
Location: Alessandria, Piedmont
Spiritual Independence (The Farewell)
Tolling the knell, for your premature death.

Naturalis mors, sacra aera templi funerea tinniunt.
Audi! Procul ab aere turris sepulcri quod canant.
Oculos suos figendo quod dicunt ausculta, Ille mortus est!
Homo sapiens tantum,scit quod esse sententiam mortis immaturae.
Pedibus erose eundum in directe cupressuum ordine instructo
Hic turbati funeris versibus ornare!
Naturalis progressus ut escluderent ommem morbum et pestilentia.
Roga nuturalem mortem ut essentiam et formam librent.
In gentile terra sepulcrum meum construo!
Cape manus suas, algidas manus, spiritui assidente.
Triste signum per tactum et oscolum dona!
Inevitabilis mors, cineris ad cineres a vento effusas.
Voluntaria mors, redimus ad uterum almae matris.
Infinita mors, corpus non comburere, lenta tabe peredunt vermes.
Naturalis mors, dimitte naturam et principia operas agere!
Fatum est sit omnium mors.
Domina consternationis, naturalis infauda thanatos!

Touch the medium cold hands, a touch, a séance.

Every kind of death is doomed...
Mistress of the dismay, the unmentionable, the death
The bell tolling for your premature death.

Mortuary Drape. 2022 / All the Witches Dance

Mortuary Drape. 2022 / All the Witches Dance

01. My Soul
02. Primordial
03. Astral Bewitchment
04. Funeral Chant
05. Larve
06. Tregenda (Dance in Shroud)
07. 13th Way
08. Intro (Chain)
09. Medium Mortem
10. Occult Abyss
-Mortuary Drape-
Country of origin: Italy
Location: Alessandria, Piedmont
Solve et coagula,
All the witches dance
The recall in everywhere
It resounds in woods and fields
Everyone to bring a gift
On this night we all await
The beginning of new age
Persistence of natural rite
All the seer in ecstasy
The herald supreme event
Unite yourself in the dance
You too element of circle
Solve et coagula
All the witches dance
Drink the wine and dance without mind
Body mind and soul united with all
Fertility, Sterility, Equinoxial, Circle
Tragic Tregenda, Witches, Tragic Tregenda
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313