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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Temple Of Evil. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Temple Of Evil. Mostrar todas las entradas

Temple Of Evil. 2021 / Apolytrosis

Temple Of Evil. 2021 / Apolytrosis
01. Katavasis
02. Apognosis
03. Avtaparnisis
04. Epignosis
05. Thanatosis
06. Metousiosis
07. Apolytrosis
08. Anavasis
-Temple of Evil-
Country of origin: Cyprus
Location: Nicosia

Temple Of Evil. 2015 / The 7th Awakening

Temple Of Evil. 2015 / The 7th Awakening

1. Initiation
2. Illvminatio Tenebrarvm
3. ...on Devil's Wings
4. Chalice of Impure Blood
5. The Book of Shadows
6. Necromancer's Mystical Conjuration
7. The 7th Awakening
8. One Last Breathless Sigh for Everlasting Rest
-Temple of Evil-
Country of origin: Cyprus 
Location: Nicosia
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313