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Hyems. 2007 / Antinomie

Hyems. 2007 / Antinomie
01. Praeludium
02. Syphilisation
03. Dekadencia
04. Tum Hiems Carmen Extulit Horridulum
05. Unantastbar
06. Hiems Atra
07. Als ob es einen Morgen gebe
08. Vater, ich brenne
09. Störgeräusch
10. Serum 144
11. Extroductio
Country of origin: Germany
Location: Erndtebrück, North Rhine-Westphalia (early); Marburg, Hesse (later)

Dark Fortress. 2006 / Seance

Dark Fortress. 2006 / Seance
01. Ghastly Indoctrination
02. CataWomb
03. Requiem Grotesque
04. While They Sleep
05. To Harvest the Artefacts of Mockery
06. Poltergeist
07. Revolution: Vanity
08. Incide
09. Shardfigures
10. Insomnia
-Dark Fortress-
Country of origin: Germany
Location: Landshut, Bavaria
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313