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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Nordic Frost. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Nordic Frost. Mostrar todas las entradas

Nordic Frost. 2023 / To Make the Acquaintance ov Death

Nordic Frost. 2023 / To Make the Acquaintance ov Death

01. If Today Should be My Last
02. L'appel du vide
03. To Make the Acquaintance ov Death
04. A Most Lucid Fever Dream
05. Kinship with the Beast
06. Born Again
07. Called to Bear Witness
08. Purge ov I
09. Spellbound (by the Devil)
-Nordic Frost-
Country of origin: United States
Location: Sacramento, California

Nordic Frost. 2021 / Sovereign

Nordic Frost. 2021 / Sovereign

01. Necromancy and the Freezing Moon
02. Sovereign
03. Mourn Not My Eternal Slumber
04. An Agonizing Dreamscape
05. Take Me to Chvrch
-Nordic Frost-
Country of origin: United States
Location: Sacramento, California

Nordic Frost. 2020 / Ad Inferna

Nordic Frost. 2020 / Ad Inferna

01. Apocryphal Revelations (To Shed the Wings ov Enslavement)
02. Enlightenment in Obsolescence
03. Novus Golgotha
04. The Whore ov Babylon
05. Awaken the Ancients
06. To Drink from the Skulls ov Deities
07. As Black Ravens Descend
08. Was Retribution Not Enough?
09. Nordic Frost
10. To Wither and Die, a King
11. A Crown ov Thorns, a Throne ov Deceit
-Nordic Frost-
Country of origin: United States
Location: Sacramento, California

Nordic Frost. 2019 / Ov Blasphemy and Other Rites

Nordic Frost. 2019 / Ov Blasphemy and Other Rites

01. Immolation ov Heretics
02. Compelled by Vvitchcraft
03. Brightrights and Other Trivalities
04. Despondent Legions ov the Dead
05. Hymn of Dissension
06. Brennelsen av kolgrim
07. Cleansing ov Heathens
08. Penance ov Sodom
09. Ov Vvicker and Flint
-Nordic Frost-
Country of origin: United States
Location: Sacramento, California
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313