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Abezethibou. 2022 / Unleashed from Chasm Depths

Abezethibou. 2022 / Unleashed from Chasm Depths

1. The Mystic Rituals of Damnation

3. Dusk of the Forgotten Darkness
4. Descending From the Somber Skies

Avsky. 2008 / Malignant

Avsky. 2008 / Malignant

01. Fuck Your Values, Fuck Your Beliefs
02. Cleanse The World
03. The Filth
04. Like Poison
05. False Heavens
06. In Contempt
07. Malignant
08. Loathe
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Dalarna

Avsky. 2007 / Mass Destruction

Avsky. 2007 / Mass Destruction

01. The Plague
02. Vultures
03. Knowledge And Hate
04. Like A Tumour That Has To Be Removed
05. Mass Destruction
06. Possessed
07. Mushroom Cloud
8. Vermin
09. Until Nothing Remains
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Dalarna

Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313