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Okrütnik. 2023 / Krwawy pontyfikat

Okrütnik. 2023 / Krwawy pontyfikat
01. 1978
02. Krwawy pontyfikat
03. Rytuały czarnego ognia
04. Wnieborżnięcie Maryi Panny
05. Pieśń świętokradców
06. Lochy Watykanu
07. Wdowa po rzeźniku
08. Almanach opętanych
09. Oddech potępieńca
Country of origin: Poland
Location: Twardów, Greater Poland

Bewitcher. 2019 / Under the Witching Cross

Bewitcher. 2019 / Under the Witching Cross
01. Savage Lands of Satan
02. Hexenkrieg
03. Under the Witching Cross
04. Heathen Woman
05. Too Fast for the Flames
06. In the Sign of the Goat
07. Rome Is on Fire
08. Frost Moon Ritual
Country of origin: United States
Location: Portland, Oregon

Bewitcher. 2016 / Bewitcher

Bewitcher. 2016 / Bewitcher
01. Bewitcher
02. Speed 'til You Bleed
03. Sin Is in Her Blood
04. Wild Blasphemy
05. Midnight Hunters
06. Harlots of Hell
07. Hot Nights, Red Lights
08. Black Speed Delirium
09. In the Night (The Cult Will Rise)
Country of origin: United States
Location: Portland, Oregon
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313