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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Blackened Thrash Metal. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Blackened Thrash Metal. Mostrar todas las entradas

Hereza. 2024 / Decomposed Beyond Recognition

Hereza. 2024 / Decomposed Beyond Recognition
01. Demons Among Us
02. Piggy's Palace
03. A Shrine of Skulls
04. Born to Raise Hell
05. Handsome Devil
06. Decomposed Beyond Recognition
07. Aileen
08. Dead End
09. Serial Slasher
10. El Matador
Country of origin: Croatia
Location: Beli Manastir, Osijek-Baranja (early); Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (later)

Witchery. 2022 / Nightside

Witchery. 2022 / Nightside
01. Witching Hour
02. Don't Burn the Witch
03. Storm of the Unborn
04. Er steht in Flammen
05. Popecrusher
06. Left Hand March
07. Under the Altar
08. Churchburner
09. Crucifix and Candle
10. A Forest of Burning Coffins
11. Nightside
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Linköping, Östergötland

Sacrifizer. 2022 / Le diamant de Lucifer

Sacrifizer. 2022 / Le diamant de Lucifer
01. Ascent to the Black Throne
02. Ripped Under the Grave
03. A Funeral Majesty
04. The Portal
05. Leather Agents
06. Le diamant de Lucifer
07. Possessor
08. Steel Assassins
09. L'entité
10. La cathédrale
Country of origin: France
Location: Mulhouse, Grand Est

Putrid. 2020 / Antichrist Above

Putrid. 2020 / Antichrist Above
01. Warfare in Golgotha
02. Antichrist Above
03. A Cursed from the Chalice
04. The Victory of the Trident
05. The Corpse of the Messiah
06. The Great Serpent Await Us
07. Three Nails of Hate
08. Pig of Liars
09. Rotting Kingdom
10. Morbid Prayers of Death
Country of origin: Peru
Location: Lima

Diabolos. 2016 / Cannibal Darkness

Diabolos. 2016 / Cannibal Darkness
01. We Are Going to Eat You
02. Maniac
03. Katchem and Killem
04. Cannibal Darkness
05. I Drink Your Blood
06. Aftermath
07. Cat in the Brain
08. Men Behind the Sun
09. Guinea Pig
10. Day of the Beast
Country of origin: United States
Location: Los Angeles, California

Omission. 2011 / Merciless Jaws from Hell

Omission. 2011 / Merciless Jaws from Hell
01. Erotic Nightmares
02. A Field Sowed of Coffins
03. Northmen Wrath
04. We Are the Dead
05. Architects of Fear
06. Fuckin' Alone
07. The Light in My Dark
08. Here We Stand
09. Day of Your Death Arrives...
10. You Can't Hide
11. Ianus Rex Infernorum
Country of origin: Spain
Location: Madrid, Community of Madrid

Omission. 2018 / Breathless Existence

Omission. 2018 / Breathless Existence
01. The Punishment Horde / Forgotten Tombs
02. Blind Lightning
03. To the Death
04. Asphyxia
05. Deliver Us from Evil
06. Forged in Hell's Fire
07. Creeping Dogs
08. All Were Upheaval
09. Stereotomy (The Alan Parsons Project cover)
10. Satan Speaks
Country of origin: Spain
Location: Madrid, Community of Madrid