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Bethlehem. 2019 / Lebe Dich Leer

Bethlehem. 2019 / Lebe Dich Leer
01. Verdaut in klaffenden Mäulern
02. Niemals mehr leben
03. Ich weiß ich bin keins
04. Wo alte Spinnen brüten
05. Dämonisch im ersten Blitz
06. An gestrandeten Sinnen
07. Ode an die obszöne Scheußlichkeit
08. Aberwitzige Infraschall-Ritualistik
09. Bartzitter Flumgerenne
Country of origin: Germany
Location: Grevenbroich, North Rhine-Westphalia

Handful of Hate. 2006 / Gruesome Splendour

Handful of Hate. 2006 / Gruesome Splendour


Theory Of Perfection

Used To Discipline
Tied, Whipped... Educated
Grotesque In Pleasure, Rotten In Vice
Reproach And Blame
Spawn Of Decadence
Ejaculation Dementiae

Gohrgone. 2019 / In Oculis

Gohrgone. 2019 / In Oculis

Acrisios Banishes

The Chosen One

Insanus Creatura (feat. Justine Galmiche)

Weak Ones Deceived

In Oculis

The Executioner Of Medusa

Deprivation Of Self

Opportunity King

Head On The Aegis

Idolatry. 2019 / In Nomine Mortis

Idolatry. 2019 / In Nomine Mortis

Ex Nihilio
Toward The Widening Eye
The Calling Void

Reborn In Poison
Revelations In Black
Breathing Dust
The Serpentine Possession
Nihil Fit

Blackdwarf. 2019 / Mankind Eternal Dilemma

Blackdwarf. 2019 / Mankind Eternal Dilemma

Into the Abysm

Diabulus Dealer


Land of Fire

Put them Down

The Core


Naked Cactus
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313