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Beithíoch. 2016 / Ghosts of a World Long Forgotten

Beithíoch. 2016 / Ghosts of a World Long Forgotten

01. Rot
02. The Abyss of Time

03. Journey at First Light

04. Tragic Hero
05. The Last Light Flickering at the Edge of the World
06. Storm
07. The Tempest
08. The Trial of the Mountain Path
09. The Hunter's Invocation
10. Apparitions of the Dead
11. Gods of the Earth
12. Ghosts of a World Long Forgotten
13. The Eternal Grave

Country of origin: United Kingdom
Location: Londonderry, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland

Necrobode. 2020 / Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode

Necrobode. 2020 / Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode

01. Tumba Universal
02. Santo Santuário do Ódio

03. Satanás Governa

04. Algol
05. Culto da Intolerância
06. Penetração Diabólica
07. Possuido
08. Sangue da Virgem
09. Capela Heretica
10. Liturgica Profanação

Country of origin: Portugal



Side A.
1. Zed Aliz Zed Part I.
Side B.
1. Zed Aliz Zed Part II
2. From Binah to Sathariel Meditation I
3. From Binah to Sathariel Meditation II
4. From Binah to Sathariel Meditation III

-David MLLR-
Lucerne (Switzerland)

Burial. 2020 / Satanic Upheaval

Burial. 2020 / Satanic Upheaval
01. Encircled by Wolves
02. Void of Decay
03. Hellish Reaping Screams
04. Beneath the Filth
05. Destruction Absolute
06. Decayed by Time
07. Barren Lands
08. Devour Your Soul
09. Satanic Upheaval
10. Cursed by the Light
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Location: Manchester, Greater Manchester, England

Uerberos. 2020 / Stand over Your Grave

Uerberos. 2020 / Stand over Your Grave

01. Levitation
02. Ruthless Execution

03. Beautiful Crimson of Your Blood

04. Human Carcass
05. Flaming Darkness
06. Stand over Your Grave
07. Putrescine
08. To Make You Suffer!
09. Emperor

Country of origin: Poland
Location: Żory, Silesia

Upon the Altar. 2021 / Absid ab Ordine Luminis

Upon the Altar. 2021 / Absid ab Ordine Luminis

01. Crown of Weakness
02. Wolfs of Napalm
03. Expire
04. Mortuus Est Rex
05. Blasphemare Absens Fides
06. Absid ab Ordine Luminis
07. Hapax Legamenon
-Upon the Altar-
Country of origin: Poland
Location: Tarnów, Lesser Poland
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313