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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Acherontas. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Acherontas. Mostrar todas las entradas

Ofermod / Black Altar / Αχέροντας. 2023 - Drakonian Elitism

Ofermod / Black Altar / Αχέροντας. 2023 - Drakonian Elitism
01. Ofermod - Intro
02. Ofermod - Vinum Sabathi
03. Ofermod - Agios Ischyros Belial
04. Ofermod - Atavistic Chants of Levitation
5. Black Altar - Via Draconis
06. Black Altar - In the Labyrinths of Sithra Achra
07. Black Altar - The Oracle of Divine Madness
08. Black Altar - Outro
09. Αχέροντας - Intra Psyche
10. Αχέροντας - Astra Magia
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Norrköping, Östergötland/Stockholm
-Black Altar-
Country of origin: Poland
Location: Olsztyn, Warmińsko-Mazurskie (early); London, England, United Kingdom (later)
Country of origin: Greece
Location: Athens, Attica

Acherontas. 2013 / Amenti - Ψαλμοί αίματος και αστρικά οράματα

Acherontas. 2013 / Amenti - Ψαλμοί αίματος και αστρικά οράματα

Voluntas Supra Materiam "Vocatio Prima"
Amenti - The Lamp ov the Desert
The Stele ov the Last Conjuration - Ιερος γαμος
Nebt-Het - Divulgence of Ηer Sacral Temples

Dissolution (In the Sands ov Time) - Νεκροπολις
Wines of Blood & Pestilence
Erset La Tari - The Red Temple
Πανσεληνος "Vocatio Ultima"

Acherontas. 2018 / Faustian Ethos

Acherontas. 2018 / Faustian Ethos

The Fall of the First Pillar

Sorcery and the Apeiron

Aeonic Alchemy

Faustian Ethos

Τhe old Tree and the Wise man

The Alchemists of the Radiant Sepulchre

Decline of the West-O Iereas kai o Tafos

Vita Nuova
Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313