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Aelvica. 2024 / Aelvica IV: The Curse

Aelvica. 2024 / Aelvica IV: The Curse
01. Aelvûi Illuvând (Lâi M’lôn, Lôn M'lâi)
02. Sorcery, Fire and Grief (Shadows Over Aelvâ Amarâ)
03. Once Hero, Now Traitor
04. Blood Stains the Altar of Moirâ
05. The Lay of Maxim (Mournful Elegance)
06. The Curse (Azû Take Your Bones)
07. Aelvicâ Forsaken (Moirâ Abandons the Aelvâ for the Murder of the Illuvând)
08. Turn Away III
Country of origin: United States
Location: Pinellas County, Florida

Bok. 2024 / Metastasis Dei

Bok. 2024 / Metastasis Dei
01. Let the sickness guide you
02. Deep inside the tomb of the matriarchs
03. Metastasis dei
04. Yonic Decadence
05. As black willows spread, the pale widows cry
Country of origin: Netherlands
Location: Amstelveen, North Holland

Lamentari. 2024 / Ex Umbra in Lucem

Lamentari. 2024 / Ex Umbra in Lucem
01. Spiritus Noctis
02. Tenebrae
03. Tragoedia in Domo Dei
04. Intra Muros Mentis
05. Appugno6. Dolorum Memoria
07. Spiritus Diurnus
08. Arcanum Ignis Animae
Country of origin: Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, Hovedstaden