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Kalt Vindur. 2024 / Magna Mater

Kalt Vindur. 2024 / Magna Mater
01. Magna Mater
02. Żywioły
03. Agonizing Luminosity
04. Bless Us
05. Possessed by Lunacy
06. Visions of Purification
07. Mist Over Cergova
-Kalt Vindur-
Country of origin: Poland
Location: Dukla/Krosno, Podkarpackie

Horned Almighty. 2024 / Contagion Zero

Horned Almighty. 2024 / Contagion Zero
01. The Messiah Scourge
02. Gospels of Sickness
03. Vermin on the Mount
04. Ascension of Fever & Plague
05. Furnace of Sulphur and Fire
06. Darken the World
07. ...of Hades and of Death
-Horned Almighty-
Country of origin: Denmark
Location: Aarhus, Midtjylland

Dark Funeral. 2022 / We Are the Apocalypse

Dark Funeral. 2022 / We Are the Apocalypse
01. Nightfall
02. Let the Devil In
03. When Our Vengeance Is Done
04. Nosferatu
05. When I'm Gone
06. Beyond the Grave
07. A Beast to Praise
08. Leviathan
09. We Are the Apocalypse