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Sabhankra. 2023 / Rotting Helios

Sabhankra. 2023 / Rotting Helios
01. Rotting Helios
02. The Black Sun
Country of origin: Türkiye
Location: Istanbul

Sabhankra. 2016 / Revenge

Sabhankra. 2016 / Revenge
01. You WIll Die
02. One Shall Fall
03. Cursed Sword
04. Immortal Son
05. Revenge
06. Eternal Rage
07. Hate
08. I Will Die with Your Love
09. Nightmare
10. To Die for a Lie
11. Abandoned by the Gods
Country of origin: Türkiye
Location: Istanbul

Magoth. 2017 / Anti Terrestrial Black Metal

Magoth. 2017 / Anti Terrestrial Black Metal
01. Cleansing of the Ancient Spirits
02. Indoctrination War
03. Der toten Gesang
04. Mental Fortress
05. Thorns
06. Sola Scriptura
07. Sheol
08. Requiem Deus
09. Cosmic Termination
Country of origin: Germany
Location: North Rhine-Westphalia