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Dispnea. 2019 / Incitement to Self-Destruction

Dispnea. 2019 / Incitement to Self-Destruction

1. Winter Suicide
2. Distorted Thoughts
3. AB Negative

Daemoni. 2019 / Black Tyrant

Daemoni. 2019 / Black Tyrant

01. Moriens Pulsatio
02. Abstersion's Rite
03. Carnifex Christi
04. Plagues Embraced
05. Black Tyrant
06. Illucescente
07. Daemonios
08. Thirsty Underworld
Country of origin: Colombia
Location: Bogota

Blasphematorium. 2019 / Blasphematorium

Blasphematorium. 2019 / Blasphematorium

1. The Four Horsemen
2. Monolith to Foolishness

4. Found in the Dark
5. Fornication Be Thy Name
6. The Blasphematorium
7. The Dark Council

Black Templar Extreme Metal Fest III
Lui Saifer 313