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Crocell. 2024 / Of Frost, of Flame, of Flesh

Crocell. 2024 / Of Frost, of Flame, of Flesh
01. Search of Solace
02. Chanting Fire
03. Claws of Piety
04. Serpent’s Hunger
05. Vortex
06. Of Frost, of Flame, of Flesh
07. Fierce Desire
08. Epilogue
Country of origin: Denmark
Location: Aarhus, Midtjylland

Trucizna. 2024 / Wrzenie krwi

Trucizna. 2024 / Wrzenie krwi
01. Sodoma (Do krzyków!)
02. Spotkanie (Rozkosz zła i gnuśności)
03. Wiedza (Syn królestwa absurdu)
04. Oddech wieczności (Tchnienie piekieł)
05. Tanatos (Ku łące asfodeli)
06. Bachanalia (Wrzenie krwi)
07. Outro
Country of origin: International
Location: Sweden / Poland

Animus Mortis. 2014 / Testimonia

Animus Mortis. 2014 / Testimonia
01. REM Manifesto
02. Seven Decrees
03. Manuscripts (Emanation & Ascent)
04. Hyperbole of Senses
05. Testimonia
06. LVX
07. Vibrations from the Immaterial
-Animus Mortis-
Country of origin: Chile
Location: Santiago